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I agree with everything you said, except that I am skeptical about 2 glasses of wine per day being the optimum (actually it's not completely clear to me if you mean per day). If you drink 2 glasses every day I think you have a high risk of becoming alcoholic.

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Yes I wasn't clear in the text sorry. I meant 2 standard glasses of red wine per day for men: one for lunch and one for dinner. I don't know what is the risk of switching from moderate daily drinking to alcoholism. For men moderate = 2 drinks per day and excessive is >= 4 per day. But many people drink way more on weekends so it's hard to draw a limit: https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohol-health/overview-alcohol-consumption/moderate-binge-drinking

But I would say the risk is low if you have enough willpower to respect the limit and don't binge drink on weekends. But there's still a risk and that's why it's maybe better not to drink at all, as prescribed in many religions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_and_drink_prohibitions#Alcohol

Actually, what I should have written (it was late and I wanted to send the article) is that from now on:

* If I drink (because of the occasion or the social context), I'll only drink one glass per meal

* And only red wine

But I will not start a habit of daily drinking :)

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(I edited the article to take into account your remark)

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OK it makes perfect sense then :)

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