You're an absolute boss Antoine! This article is amazing.

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I really like the analogy between deploying code and deploying legal code, and how both can benefit from having a sandbox or a testing environment.

Now that I think of it, staggered deployment is very rarely tried in meatspace, for example banning people born after 2009 from every buying cigarettes.

Btw, you might be familiar with https://freecitadels.com/profile/ulex/

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I would be suspicious of countries with no clear market-friendly policies and entrepreneurial spirit, as in these cases state sandboxes might serve as information desks than gates to innovation (as is the case in the EU countries since most of the national policies are mostly dictated by the EU regulatory progress).

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Yes, super helpful! Sadly the Tennessee all-industry sandbox did not pass this year: https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=HB0510

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Thanks! Ah, too bad... I updated the article accordingly :)

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